Privacy Policy

Last updated: February 2024

At Cova Painting, your privacy is of utmost importance to us. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, protect, and uphold your rights as a user when it comes to your personal information.

Data Collection

Types of Data Collected:

  • IP Addresses: We collect information about your IP address during website visits for security and diagnostic purposes.
  • User Interactions: Details of how you use and interact with our websites.
  • Browser and Device Information: Information about the web browsers and devices used to access our services.
  • Browsing Activity: Your browsing activity across different websites is tracked for better service personalization.
  • First-party Tracking: We engage in first-party tracking to understand user preferences on our website.

Usage Purpose

We use the collected data for several purposes:

  • To process orders and provide requested painting services efficiently.
  • To utilize contact information for customer service and follow-ups.
  • To communicate updates on promotions, services, and policy changes.
  • To analyze data for service improvement based on user feedback and interactions.

Legal Compliance

To ensure compliance with data protection laws, we:

  • Regularly review our policies to align with current laws and regulations.
  • Implement systems that consider privacy from the design phase.
  • Provide comprehensive data protection training to our employees.
  • Employ secure practices for data storage and processing.
  • Engage with legal experts to verify our privacy policy and practices meet legal standards.

User Rights

As a customer, you have the following rights:

  • Access: You can request access to and a copy of your personal data.
  • Rectification: You may ask to correct or complete incorrect or incomplete data.
  • Erasure: Under certain conditions, you can request the deletion of your data.
  • Processing Restriction: You have the right to limit how we process your information.
  • Objection: You may object to data processing for direct marketing or specific reasons.
  • Data Portability: Right to receive and transfer your personal data in a common format.
  • Consent Withdrawal: Where applicable, you can withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Complaints: You may file a complaint with an authority regarding data processing.

Cookie Policy

We use cookies to:

  • Enhance user experience and website functionality.
  • Tailor content and advertising to user preferences and activities.

Consent to cookie use is implied through website usage, with options available to configure browser settings to decline cookies if desired.

Data Retention

Customer data is retained:

  • For the period necessary to fulfill the purposes described in the policy.
  • To abide by legal obligations, settle disputes, and enforce agreements.
  • Securely deleted or anonymized when no longer necessary.
  • Some data may be kept for a predetermined period for legal, analytical, or historical reasons.

Should you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or your personal data, please contact us using the contact information provided on our website.

Cova Painting reserves the right to make modifications to this Privacy Policy at any time. Such changes will be communicated through our website and take effect immediately upon posting.

By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

For more detailed information or inquiries:

Contact Us:


Phone: 203-314-7420

This privacy policy is effective as of 2-1-2024 and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page